Team Coaches
My name is Mary Lee Tracy and I have been the president of Cincinnati Gymnastics for over 40 years. My passion is coaching elite athletes and inspiring belief in the people around me. I love coming to CGA everyday, primarily due to my incredible staff, our dedicated elite team, and the support of so many of our parents. I hope CGA offers each of you memories that will last a lifetime!
Enjoy the process!
Sarah Day
Gymnastics has always been a part of Sarah’s life. She was a competitive gymnast for 12 years and went on to cheer in college. She grew up in a gym owned by her parents where she began her love of coaching. Sarah has coached gymnastics for over 16 years now, and has been at CGA for over 5 years. Sarah is the Preschool Director, Pre team head coach, and coaches out Xcel team as well. When not in the gym, Sarah and her Husband enjoy going on adventures.
Susan Holloway
Hometown: I live in Washington Court House.
Work Experience: I have coached for 33 years. I am a past gymnast through Club and high school. My husband & I owned Tric’s Gymnastic Academy for 12 years.
Favorite Event to Coach: I love to coach Bars. I enjoy witnessing the kids develop their strength on bars as well as, learn to connect their skills in to a flowing routine.
Khea Jones
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH.
Work Experience: I have been coaching for 14 years.
Favorite event to coach: It is hard to choose my favorite event to coach as I love them all depending on the level but if I had to choose , I would say bars because it is challenging for most gymnasts and I enjoy helping them through that journey and watching their growth!
Amy McKell
HOMETOWN: Cincinnati, OH / Indian Hill High School
WORK EXPERIENCE: Hyde Park Gymnastics: Aug 2006-Aug 2008 American Eagles Gymnastics: Aug 2008-May 2017 Cincinnati Gymnastics: May 2017-now I love coaching all events, but my favorite would have to be bars. I love how, with the proper shaping and drilling, the girls can create such amazing skills. Plus, it’s fun to spot!
Debbie Patterson
Hometown: West Chester, Ohio
Levels Coached: Currently coaching Beam Level 3 and Level 4 and loving it!